Item 005 - Whistler Museum & Archives Society Calendar Diary 1988

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Título próprio

Whistler Museum & Archives Society Calendar Diary 1988

Designação geral do material

  • Documento textual

Título paralelo

Outra informação do título

Título(s) de declaração(ões) de responsabilidade

Notas ao título

  • Attributions and conjectures: Based on subject.

Nível de descrição


Código de referência


Zona de edição

Declaração de edição

Declaração de responsabilidade da edição

Zona de detalhes específicos de materiais

Declaração de escala (cartográfica)

Declaração de projeção (cartográfica)

Declaração de coordenadas (cartográfica)

Declaração de escala (arquitetural)

Autoridade emissora e denominação (filatélica)

Zona de datas de criação


  • 1988 (Produção)

Zona de descrição física

Descrição física

4 mm textual material.

Zona dos editores das publicações

Título da editora

Títulos paralelos das publicações do editor

Outra informação do título das publicações do editor

Declaração de responsabilidade em relação à série editora

Numeração das publicações do editor

Nota sobre as publicações do editor

Zona da descrição do arquivo

História custodial

Âmbito e conteúdo

A Whistler Museum & Archives Society 1988 Calendar Diary. Contains monthly calendar pages from January-December 1988. Also contains numerous archival photos and captions as listed below;

  • "1921 Peak Experience viewing 7th Heaven?" : Alex and Myrtle Philip (in dark clothes) guide guests on a day's hike from Rainbow Lodge.
    -"She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes ..." : Myrtle Philip poses with officials of the Pacific Great Eastern (P.G.E.) railways by the 1935 ford with flanged wheels used to travel on the railroad.
    -"Whistler's First Hotel" : 1926 Deluxe accommodation - the Alta Lake Hotel - built and operated by Russ Jordan near the Alta Lake P.G.E. station near the south end of Alta Lake.
  • "Bring your own knap-sack" : Green Lake General Store: Saddle & Pack - J.C. Rougier, prop.
    -"Teddy Bear's Picnic!" : May 1926: Orphaned "Teddy Bear" was raised at Rainbow Lodge by Myrtle Philip. When grown, he was 'retired' to the Stanley Park Zoo in Vancouver, B.C.
  • "You should have seen the ones that got away!" : The day's catch: Myrtle Philip and guests at Rainbow Lodge, Alta Lake, B.C. c.1915.
    -"Ivan's Workout - Rainbow Style" : Ivan Ackery of Vancouver's Orpheum Theatre fame was a frequent guest at Rainbow Lodge, Alta Lake, B.C. c.1930.
  • "The Happy Gang" : The first picnic of the Alta Lake Community Club was held in 1923 at Rainbow Point. Mr. Harry Horstman presided with the coffee pot.
  • "Early Local Trapper":
    -August 1911: Lou Penniston and Myrtle Philip (right) pose with Charlie Barbour and John Miller (centre) at Mile 34 1/2 on the P.G.E. Railway - now the site of Function Junction. Miller Creek, named for John, flows southward from Alpha Lake.
    -John Miller and Charlie Barbour with Alex Philip (right) stand in front of Miller's cabin and chicken house. This recorded the first visit by the Philips to the Valley after a long walk from Squamish. John rented out bunks at 50¢ per night to travellers.
    -"On the Edge"
    • Sept. 10, 1923. Neal Carter on Wedge Mountain with Alta Lake showing in the background.
    • Sept. 12, 1923. Charles Townsend on the summit of Mt. Turner viewing Turner Glacier.
  • Myrtle and "the boys" trail riding at Rainbow Lodge, Alta Lake, B.C., with Armchair and Wedge Mountains in the background.
  • "Horsepower" : (Left to Right): Jack Jardine, Tom Neiland, Pat O'Neill and Jenny Jardine logging out poles in 1931 on Neiland's Ranch at Mile 34 1/2 near today's gravel pit at Function Junction. Wedge and Armchair Mountains show in the distance.
  • Christmas holidays in the 1920s at Rainbow Lodge, Alta Lake, B.C. :
    • Jean Tapley, followed by her sister Myrtle Philip skiing down "Lorimer Road".
    • Guest with Jean and Myrtle waiting for the train at Rainbow Station with the "Bridge of Sighs" in the background.
      -Mr. & Mrs. Coleman from Seattle with Myrtle, 1923.
    • Skating on Alta Lake, looking north.
      -"Peace, quietness and graciousness lives in the lives of those who have made this spot their home"
      The last pages also include a request for donations of pertinent material to the Museum and Archives, a brief history of the Alta Lake Community Club, Photography acknowledgements and a thank you for purchasing the calendar.

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      Accession Number


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      Número normalizado

      Pontos de acesso

      Pontos de acesso - Nomes

      Pontos de acesso de género

      Zona do controlo

      Descrição do identificador do registro

      Identificador da instituição

      Regras ou convenções

      RAD July 2008 version, Canadian Council of Archives.


      Nível de detalhe

      Datas de criação, revisão ou eliminação

      Idioma da descrição

        Sistema de escrita da descrição


          Área de ingresso