Opal Cone

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        Opal Cone

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          Opal Cone

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            Opal Cone

              4 Descripción archivística resultados para Opal Cone

              4 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
              RCK-01-010 · Dossiê · August - September 1988
              Parte de Robert Clark Kline Fonds

              Photographs taken by Robert Clark Kline on a mountaineering trip to Panorama Ridge and Opal Cone in August and September, 1988, including shots of Panorama Ridge, Opal Cone, Black Tusk, Mimulus Lake, Black Tusk Lake, Helm Glacier, Cinder Cone, Garibaldi Lake, Guard Mountain, Sphinx Glacier, Sky Pilot Mountain, Goat Ridge, the Barrier, Elfin Lakes, Ring Creek, and Mt. Garibaldi, Whistler Mountain, Round Mountain, and Diamond Head.


              003: "-1 Aug[ust] 23 [19]88 - From divide looking S[outh] to Panorama Ridge"
              004: "S[outh] joins -1 also joins 13 + 14 on previous film"
              005: "1 - From divide part way up Panorama Ridge looking W[est] over Black Tusk Lake + Mimulus Lake"
              006: "2 - Black Tusk from part way up"
              007: "3 - Looking E[ast] part way up N[orth] finger of Panorama Ridge at Helm Glacier. Cinder Cone starts at extreme left."
              008: "4 - N[orth]W[est] to Black Tusk from Panorama Ridge"
              009: "5 - Cinder Cone right centre - Whistler M[oun]t[ai]n top right"
              010: "6 - Guard M[oun]t[ai]n on Garibaldi Lake - Sphinx Glacier at left - Mt. Garibaldi top right"
              011: "7 - Mt. Garibaldi from Panorama Ridge - Sky Pilot M[oun]t[ai]n + Goat Ridge top centre right - The Lions + Mt. Brunswick are just over the centre of Goat Ridge along with Mt. Windsor + Deeks Peak to the right"
              012: "W[est]S[outh]W[est] over the outlet of Garibaldi Lake - campsite centre left"
              013: "9 - Another angle of Sphinx Glacier on the left from lower western peak of Panorama Ridge"
              014: "10 - The Barrier"
              015: "11 - The Barrier from parking lot"
              016: "12 - Sept[ember] 8 [19]88 - Opal cone centre left - Elfin Lakes campsite at centre w[ith] huts up to the right"
              017: "13 - Elfin Lakes w[ith] Opal Cone behind"
              018: "14 - Looking up Ring Creek - Opal Cone top right"
              019: "15 - Look down Ring Creek - Elfin Lake centre background - The Gargoyles at right"
              020: "16 - As 15 but from Opal Cone - Elfin Lakes visible at left - Round M[oun]t[ai]n in centre"
              021: "17 - Glacier N[orth] from Opal Cone"
              022: "18 - S[outh]W[est] across Opal Cone toward the Gargoyles"
              023: "19 - Also S[outh]W[est] across Opal Cone but further S[outh] along E[ast] rim"
              024: "20 - Also S[outh]W[est] across Opal Cone but still further S[outh] - Elfin Lakes in centre"
              025: "21 - N[orth]W[est] from Opal Cone toward Mt. Garibaldi hidden by clouds"
              026: "22 - Glacier N[orth]E[ast] of Opal Cone"
              027: "23 - S[outh]S[outh]E[ast] from Opal Cone"
              028: "24 - S[outh] from Opal Cone - Elfin Lakes top right"
              029: "25 - W[est] acrosssuccessive ridges in Opal Cone - Diamond Head in background - Light coloured rock centre right in high point with red or purple rock"

              RCK-01-011 · Dossiê · June - July 1988
              Parte de Robert Clark Kline Fonds

              Photographs taken by Robert Clark Kline on a mountaineering trip to Stawamus peaks, Elfin Lakes, and Goat Ridge between June and July, 1988, including shots of Squamish, the Stawamus Chief, Diamond Head, Opal Cone, the Saddle, Elfin Lakes, Pyramid Mountain, Round Mountain, Columnar Peak, Goat Ridge, Sky Pilot Mountain, Woodfibre, Howe Sound, Mt. Garibaldi, and Mt. Habrich.


              001: "1 - June [19]88 - Squamish: Stawamus Chief from Stawamus Squaw"
              002: "2 - Stawamus Chief at night - joins photo #1"
              003: "3 - Chief"
              004: "4 - July 19 [19]88 - Diamond Head, then in foreground Columnar Peak, the Saddle, and Opal Cone (centre right)"
              005: "5 - N[orth]E[ast] from Round M[oun]t[ai]n. Elfin Lakes left centre - Pyramid M[oun]t[ai]n 2nd from top right"
              006: "6 - S[outh]W[est] to Round M[oun]t[ai]n from 1/2 way approx[imately] to Elfin Lakes - f 11 at 1/125"
              007: "7 - Same as 6 except exposure f 5.6 at 1/125"
              008: "8 - Frozen Elfin Lakes"
              009: "9b - S[outh] from Round M[oun]t[ai]n, Goat Ridge top centre - Sky Pilot M[oun]t[ai]n to left"
              010: "9a"
              011: "9c"
              012: "20 - Woodfibre from about 4700' level"
              013: "19 - Jly 29 [19]88 - Squamish from about 4700' level"
              014: "21 - Beginning of Goat Ridge"
              015: "22 - Sky Pilot M[oun]t[ai]n + end of Goat Ridge (about 5800')"
              016: "23 - Mt. Habrich right centre foreground - Mt. Garibaldi left centre background"
              017: "24 - bit out of focus see 25"
              018: "25 - Sky Pilot M[oun]t[ai]n + edge of Goat Ridge"
              019: "26 - Squamish from about 5600' - Stawamus Chief centre right"

              RCK-01-015 · Dossiê · October 16, 1989 - November 2, 1989
              Parte de Robert Clark Kline Fonds

              Photographs taken by Robert Clark Kline on a mountaineering trip to Diamond Head on October 16, 1989 and to Deeks Lake on November 2, 1989, including shots of logging on Brohm Ridge, Diamond Head, Atwell Peak, Mt Garibaldi, Cheekye River, Opal Cone, Ring Creek, Paul Ridge, Alice Ridge, Brunswick Mountain, Deeks Peak, Deeks Lake, Mt. Hanover, and a mountain hut.


              001: "26 - 1 Mon]day] Oct[ober] 16 [19]89 - joins #25 of previous film - W[est] to logging on Brohm Ridge from Diamond Head"
              002: "27 - 2 joins 1 - N[orth]W[est] to Brohm Ridge"
              003: "34 - 9 - Telephoto of #1"
              004: "28 - 3 joins 2 - N[orth] to Atwell P[ea]k on Garibaldi M[oun]t[ai]n"
              005: "33 - 8 - Ridge between D[iamond] H[ead] & Atwell P[ea]k"
              006: "29 - 4 - W[est] down Cheekye River valley - Below photo 1"
              007: "30 - 5 - S[outh]E[ast] from D[iamond] H[ead] to Ring Creek - Opal Cone base top left"
              008: "31 - 6 - 135 mm from D[iamond] H[ead]"
              009: "32 - 7 - (135 mm) of saddle + Paul Ridge"
              010: "35 - 10 - D[iamond] H[ead] top right"
              011: "36 - 11 - From Alice Ridge - Opal Cone centre left - Ring Cr[eek] bottom right"
              012: "37 - 12 - Gargoyles from Alice Ridge"
              013: "38 - 13 - Atwell P[ea]k with D[iamond] H[ead] in line"
              014: "39 - 14 - Gargoyles with rock type in foreground"
              015: "40 - 15 - Closeup of Gargoyle rock"
              016: "41 - 16 - Paul Ridge from saddle"
              017: "42 - 17 - 135 mm of 16"
              018: "43 - 18 - Nov[ember] 2 [19]89 - From dam on Middle Lake - Mt. Brunswick top centre - Falls centre left"
              019: "44 - 19 - Middle lake from top of falls - Deeks M[oun]t[ai]n top right"
              020: "45 20 - Emergency hut just above centre - Brunswick M[oun]t[ai]n top left - W[est] arm of Brunswick lake foreground"
              021: "46 21 - Mt. Hanover above Brunswick L[ake]"
              022: "47 - 22 - N[orth]N[orth]E[ast] down the valley from hut - Deeks M[oun]t[ai]n centre left - Arm of Brunswick L[ake] foreground"
              023: "48 - 23 - From hut to Brunswick L[ake] - W[est] arm bottom left"
              024: "49 - 24"
              025: "50 - 25 - Top of falls top left - Middle Lake at right"

              RCK-01-021 · Dossiê · September 29 - October 16, 1989
              Parte de Robert Clark Kline Fonds

              Photographs taken by Robert Clark Kline on a mountaineering trip to Mt. Harvey and Brunswick Mountain on September 29, 1989 and to Diamond Head on October 16, 1989, including shots of Mt. Harvey, Thomas Peak, James Peak, David Peak, Brunswick Mountain, Magnesia Meadows, Howe Sound, Howe Sound Crest Trail, the Lions, Mt. Strachan, Hollyburn Mountain, Mt. Seymour, Mt. Baker, Crown Mountain, Deeks Lake, Brunswick Lake, Mt. Garibaldi, Elfin Lakes, Squamish, Ring Creek, Opal Cone, and Diamond Head.


              001: "1 - Fri[day] Sept[ember] [19]89 - S[outh]E[ast] from Mt. Harvey - East rim at right then Thomas, James + David Peak on left"
              002: "2 - Mt. Brunswick from Mt. Harvey"
              003: "3 joins 2 - N[orth]E[ast] from Mt. Harvey - Hut centre right"
              004: "4 also joins #1 - E[ast] from Mt. Harvey - Hut centre left"
              005: "5 - Magnesia Meadows from Mt. Harvey"
              006: "6 - Hut + Mt. Harvey"
              007: "7 - Weather station near hut"
              008: "8 - Mt. Harvey + Howe Sound"
              009: "9 - Magnesia Meadows from Howe Sound Crest Trail on Mt. Brunswick - Hut upper centre - Lions top right"
              010: "10 - Similar to 9 but from top of Mt. Brunswick - Mt. Harvey on right - Mt. Hollyburn + Strachan to the right of the Lions"
              011: "11 - The Lions on 135 mm from position of photo 10"
              012: "12 - S[outh]E[ast] from Mt. Brunswick (approx[imately] 85 mm?) - Mt. Baker top centre - Mt. Seymour on left + Crown M[oun]t[ai]n on right"
              013: "13 - N[orth] to Deeks, Middle + Brunswick Lakes"
              014: "14 - Microwave relay on Mt. Brunswick - Heli[copter] pad to left"
              015: "15 - Mon[day] Oct[ober] 16, [19]89 - Mt. Garibaldi from just above Red Heather"
              016: "16 - As 15 but with 135 mm"
              017: "17 - Mt. G[aribaldi] behind the Gargoyles - Elfin Lakes on right"
              018: "18 - Mt. G[aribaldi] from saddle"
              019: "19 - Squamish from between saddle + Diamond Head"
              020: "24 - joins 23 - S[outh] from D[iamond] H[ead] - Saddle upper centre"
              021: "25 - joins 24 - S[outh]W[est] from D[iamond] H[ead] - Squamish upper centre"
              022: "20 - Mt. Garibaldi from Diamond Head"
              023: "23 - joins 22 - S[outh]E[ast] from D[iamond] H[ead] - Ring Cr[eek] bridge in foreground"
              024: "22 - joins 21 - E[ast] from D[iamond] H[ead] - Opal Cone centre right"
              025: "21 - joins 20 - N[orth]E[ast] from Diamond Head"