Blanchard Peak

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        Blanchard Peak

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          Blanchard Peak

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            Blanchard Peak

              3 description archivistique résultats pour Blanchard Peak

              3 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
              RCK-01-013 · Dossier · December 10, 1988 - February 17, 1989
              Fait partie de Robert Clark Kline Fonds

              Photographs taken by Robert Clark Kline on a mountaineering trip to Buntzen Lake, Round Mountain, Alouette Mountain, and Garibaldi Lake between December 10, 1988 and February 17, 1989, including shots of wooden buildings, Alouette Mountain, Blanchard Peak, Golden Ears, Evans Peak, logging, Stone Lake, Pitt River, Mike Lake, Blue Mountain, UBC Research Forest, Burke Mountain, Mt. Robie Reid, Gold Creek, Mamquam Mountain, Round Mountain, the Elaho-Squamish River, and Taylor Creek.


              001: "0 - Dec[ember] 10, [19]88 - North Beach + Aquaduct outfall from Bridal path"
              002: "1 - Aquaduct from Coquitlam Lake"
              003: "2 - Feb[ruary] 7, [19]89 - Alouette M[oun]t[ai]n top right - Blanchard Peak centre - Golden Ears left"
              004: "3 - Blanchard P[ea]k from Alouette [Mountain]"
              005: "4 - E[ast]N[orth]E[ast] from Alouette M[oun]t[ai]n - Evans P[ea]k in background + Alouette Lake - Logging in background in just past Stone Lake"
              006: "5 - W[est] to Burke M[oun]t[ai]n - UBC Research forest in foreground with Pitt River behind"
              007: "6 - joins 5 - S[outh]W[est]"
              008: "7 joins 6 - S[outh]S[outh]W[est] towards Mike Lake"
              009: "8 joins 7 - S[outh]S[outh]E[ast] to Blue M[oun]t[ai]n"
              010: "9 joins 8 - E[ast]"
              011: "10 - N[orth]N[orth]E[ast] along Alouette Peak - Background m[oun]t[ai]n Robie Reid?"
              012: "11 - Evans Peak at right - Gold Cr[eek] crossing lower centre"
              013: "12 - Evans Cr[eek] at right with Gold Cr[eek] spit just showing lots of driftwood in lake from a wind change"
              014: "13 - Sun[day] Feb[ruary] 12, 1989 - Mamquam M[oun]t[ai]n from Round M[oun]t[ai]n"
              015: "14 - Diamond Head from Round M[oun]t[ai]n"
              016: "15 - Winter route on S[outh] side of Round M[oun]t[ai]n"
              017: "16 - Elaho River"
              018: "17 - Elaho River"
              019: "18 - E[ast]N[orth]E[ast] from Squamish River to either Cypress P[ea]k or Tricouni P[ea]k"
              020: "19 - Squamish River"
              021: "20 - Feb[ruary] 17 [9]89 - Taylor Cr[eek] Bridge"
              022: "21 - Wood shed"
              023: "22 - same wood shed"
              024: "23 - Dry shelter"
              025: "24 - Outhouse"

              Golden Ears - July 6, 1989
              RCK-01-019 · Dossier · July 6, 1989
              Fait partie de Robert Clark Kline Fonds

              Photographs taken by Robert Clark Kline on a mountaineering trip to Golden Ears on July 6, 1989, including shots of Golden Ears, Gold Creek, Edge Mountain, Pitt Meadows, Blanchard Peak, and Pitt Lake.


              001: "1 July 6, [19]89 - N[orth] up Gold Cr[eek]"
              002: "2 - joins 1"
              003: "3 - Edge M[oun]t[ai]n left - North Ear centre right"
              004: "4 - Edge P[ea]k"
              005: "5 - N[orth]E[ast] up Gold Cr[eek]"
              006: "6 joins 5"
              007: "7 - North Golden Ear from ridge S[oth]E[ast] of hut"
              008: "8 - S[outh]South]E[ast] from divide towards Pitt Meadows - South Golden Ear on right - Blanchard's Needle on left"
              009: "9 - N[orth] Golden Ear from divide"
              010: "10 - Head of Pitt Lake"
              011: "11 - The route down along the 2 ridges"
              012: "12 - E[ast] to Gold Cr[eek]"

              Golden Ears - August 4, 1989
              RCK-01-020 · Dossier · August 4, 1989
              Fait partie de Robert Clark Kline Fonds

              Photographs taken by Robert Clark Kline on a mountaineering trip to Golden Ears August 4, 1989, including shots of Golden Ears, Blanchard Mountain, Mt. Judge Howay, Mt. Robie Reid, Gold Creek, Sky Pilot Mountain, Edge Mountain, Grouse Mountain, glaciers, clouds, and Mt. Baker.


              001: "2 - Aug[ust] 4 [19]89 400ASA"
              003: "3 - Grouse near Peak - Ridge in background was as close as I got on July 6"
              004: "4 - S[outh]S[outh]E[ast] to Edge P[ea]k + Mt. Baker - Blanchard's Needle to the right by my pack"
              005: "5 - N[orth]E[ast] to Mt. Judge Howay + Mt. Robie Reid"
              006: "6 - E[ast] down to Gold Cr[eek] along route up last part - Gold Cr[eek] was visible through haze (no filter yet)"
              007: "7 - South Ear with exposure set for clouds"
              008: "8 as 7 - South Ear with exposure set for Ear"
              009: "9 - Left centre background (way back) is Sky Pilot [Mountain]"
              010: "10 - Edge P[ea]k with telephoto"
              011: "11 - The North Ear at 35 m"
              012: "12 - Same position as 11 - Access to peak at left - I first tried chute at right"
              013: "13 - as 11 + 12 - 135 mm of 1st try"
              014: "14 - The route down - Hut is just right of centre"
              015: "15 - joins 14 - Trail descends at centre - Gold Cr[eek] visible just over the snow centre right"
              016: "16"
              017: "17 - opposite direction to 15 - The route up"
              018: "18 - S[outh] from further down - route is along ledges of left"
              019: "19 as 18 but 135 mm - Barely shows my tracks on snow which I could see clearly with my naked eye"
              020: "20 - From ridge S[outh]E[ast] of hut"
              021: "21 - as 20 but found with zoom"
              022: "22"
              023: "23 - Probably about 600 m level on old road - Sun just hitting peak"
              024: "24 - Edge P[ea]k from 1st view of it - 400 ASA 1/11 sec. 135 mm - 8:30 pm - quite dark"