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archival descriptions
Whistler Valley Map 1987
WA_2017_024-01 · Series · 1987
Part of Alison Hunter

Map of the Whistler Valley and Village with businesses identified on the map from 1987.

WA_2018_021-04 · Series · 1980-1996
Part of Sonya McCarthy

Documents collected and created by Sonya McCarthy through her work at the Whistler Area Information Office, including pamphlets, booklets, correspondence, business cards, and other promotional items.

WA_2015_026-01-05 · File · 1987
Part of Mike Hurst Fonds

Whistler-themed magazine, published by Paul Burrows, containing the following articles:
"Shopping Around the Valley: A potpourri of gifts, treats, and activities available from the merchants of Whistler"
"A Skier's Guide to the Dual Mountains: For the uninitiated, an introduction to skiing opportunities on Whistler Mountain and Blackcomb Mountain"
"A Collection of Whistler Snowbirds: Artist Isobel MacLaurin prepared these works in watercolour and ink of the winged wildlife of winter"
"A Taste of Whistler: Six of Whistler's finest chefs and a selection of their dishes make us a composite Coast Mountain meal"
"For the Love of Nordic Skiing: The Lost Lake cross-country trail system will be longer and better groomed than ever this year"
"The Whistler Resort Guide: Twenty-four pages of everything you ever wanted to know about Whistler"
"Ecosign: Whistler's mountain design company: Sophisticated, comprehensive planning in a highly specialized field has established Ecosign as a world leader in ski area design."
"Backcountry Skiing: Heaven or Hell?: Peter Chrzanowski has had a few close calls while ski mountaineering. He has some wise advice for those with a desire to venture off the beaten track."
"Behind the Scenes: A few candid shots of some of the people who make Whistler work"
"101 Things To Do, or how I spent my Summer in Whistler: There's a lot more to this resort than just skiing, as this overview of summer activities reveals"
"A Summer Side of Life: A collection of photographs to warm the insides on a winter's evening"

Duplicate copy in same folder.

WA_2015_026-01-03 · File · 1983
Part of Mike Hurst Fonds

Whistler-themed magazine, published by Paul Burrows, containing the following articles:
"From the Bottom of our Heart: Is there a life after centralization?" by Glenda Bartosh
"Dave Murray: Nice Guys Finish First: Insights into this young ski racer who believed winning wasn't everything" by Anita Webster
"Wesman: A splash of color...a dash of design - unorthodox ski impressions by Whistler's newest resident artist, ken Wesman" by Glenda Bartosh
"Searching Out the Lost Souls: When man tangles with nature and loses, it's Whistler's search and rescue team that does the bailing out" by Craig Spence
"Best of Whistler: A few good laughs at Whistler under the sacrosanct magnifying glass" by B. Turner
"Warm it up this Winter: Foxy furs a la West Coast still hold their own against Whistler's wintery nip"
"Whistler Valley Map & Service Guide: To put you on the spot"
"How To Find It: From dog catchers to babysitters...a comprehensive service directory guaranteed to put you in touch"
"Top of the Table: Whistler offers you the fairest of dining fare"
"A Parting Note: Mountains wrapped in ermine all begins with a first frost" by John Bartosik

WA_2015_026-01-06 · File · 1989
Part of Mike Hurst Fonds

Whistler-themed magazine, published by Paul Burrows, containing the following articles:

"Whistler: A Resort for the 90s" by Larry McCallum
"Mountain Homes: Comforts of the high life" by Leanna Rath
"Night Life: Whistler is alive apres apres ski"
"Where to Turn: A guide to the challenges of dual mountain skiing" by Doug Sack
"Heli-Skiing: A new world of powder adventure beyond the lifts" by Brian Smith
"A Taste of Whistler: a gastronomic tour" by Leanna Rath
"Whistler Vision: a gallery of resident photographers"
"Off Season? What off season? : Whistler activities throughout the year"
"Summer Fun: A guide to Whistler's summer adventures"
"Dining Guide: A directory to 18 of Whistler's finest restaurants"
"Business and Health Directories"
"Potpourri: a selection of Whistler collectables"

WA_2015_026-01-04 · File · 1985
Part of Mike Hurst Fonds

Whistler-themed magazine, published by Paul Burrows, containing the following articles:
"A Letter From the Editor"
"Whistling Jack"
"A Town in the Making"
"Whistler Village - It's all by Design"
"Whistler Accommodation Guide"
"Reflections on Whistler"
"The Year in Revue"
"Shop Talk"
"Top of the Table"

Week of September 27, 1982
WQ-2-302 · File · September 27, 1982
Part of Whistler Question

Photographs including but not limited to Volunteer Fire Dept.; evening event; Peter Alder and Dave Murray; Delta Hotel; Whistler Mountain; chairlift; dancers; film crew; baseball; windsurfing Alta Lake; Whistler Village
Appears in October 7, 1982 issue:
02-302-33. Pg. 12. Caption: [top] Parks Planner, Tom Barratt and plant specialist Karen Edwards bone up on some of the plant species indigenous to this area.
Appears in September 30, 1982 issue:
02-302-38. Pg. 1. Caption: As the new Director of Ski Racing for Whistler Mountain, Dave Murray will be coordinating downhill race clinics, ski promotions and special events. Murray, 29, retired from the Canadian National Ski Team last year after the World Cup held at Whistler.
02-302-46. Pg. 2. Caption: Peter Gregory, developer of the Delta Mountain Inn, is looking at refinancing a $4.3 million debt.
02-302-55. Pg. 3. Caption: No one was hibernating on Whistler Mountain this summer. Renovations are nearly complete on the Roundhouse, including this new sundeck and snack stand on the east side of the building.
02-302-139. Pg. 6. Caption: [left] Lance Fletcher, Restaurant owner, Whistler Village.
02-302-137. Pg. 6. Caption: [middle] Glen Ashton, Property manager, Alpine Meadows.
02-302-141. Pg. 6. Caption: [right] Dave Rowan, Credit Union Manager.
02-302-3. Pg. 7. Caption: Gerry Fosty demonstrates a type of fire extinguisher recommended for most homes.
02-302-92. Pg. 8. Caption: This W5 crew was on location in Whistler last week while covering a story on human rights. Segment of story covered here involved the theory of relocating Garibaldi residents to protect Whistler.
02-302-131 Pg. 10. Caption: Students from UBC and the infamous University of Whistler braved chilly temperatures over the weekend to compete in the First Annual Intercollegiate Windsurfing Championship.
02-302-8. Pg. 11. Caption: Awarded a winged hat for being the fastest base runner in the beer league. Don Beverley of the 2.5 Rollbacks has all of next season to look forward to. Jan Simpson and M.C. Terry Boston presented him with his memento.
02-302-86. Pg. 12. Caption: [middle] Tara Twigg (left) and Janice LeBlond in Bell Legs.
02-302-76. Pg. 12. Caption: [bottom] Tara Twigg moves gracefully through her brief Swim in Heavy Water.
02-302-125. Pg. 15. Caption: Competitor prepares his board for competition in the First Inter-Collegiate Windsurfing Championship, held on Alta Lake Sept. 22-23.
02-302-23. Pg. 16. Caption: [top] This questionable crew (top) represents the MVP's -- that's Most Valuable Player -- in the 1982 Beer League.
02-302-123. Pg. 16. Caption: [bottom] Sweet splash of victory as Blackcomb Nads won the championship game.

Week of September 20, 1984
WQ-2-416 · File · September 20, 1984
Part of Whistler Question

Photographs including but not limited to exercising on a mini trampoline and with weight machines; punching bags; portraits; Whistler Cay Heights; golfing; construction; band playing; roads; children's activities; drinking at a pub; cars; houses; cabin on fire; firefighters; bartending course
Appears in September 13, 1984 issue:
02-416-B-26. Pg. 3. Caption: [top] The Raines: Willy, Charley, Nancy and Al, returned to Whistler just before school started after two years in Crans, Montana, Switzerland. Al and Nancy were ski instructors in the 1,500-person resort while the 14-year-old twins went to school in the French speaking community.
02-416-B-20. Pg. 14. Caption: [left] Rebecca Renfrew, Computer Programmer, Alpine Meadows.
02-416-B-25. Pg. 14. Caption: [middle] Hatto Horn, Chef, Alta Vista.
02-416-B-22. Pg. 14. Caption: [right] Barbara Voncina, Housekeeper, Tapley's Farm.
Appears in September 20, 1984 issue:
02-416-E-14. Pg. 1. Caption: Whistler Fire Department members Craig Barker (left) and Dave Steers were among the 22 firemen who rushed to the burning house at 9516 Emerald Drive early Sunday afternoon. Although the blaze appeared to be extinguished, it re-ignited early Monday morning.
02-416-E-23. Pg. 3. Caption: [left] Only the charred frame of Brian Fitzgerald's house remains after a fire quickly swept through it Sunday. The blaze took less than one-half hour to engulf the house.
02-416-E-27. Pg. 3. Caption: [right] (Below) Fitzgerald had removed much of the furniture from the house but what was left behind didn't survive the fire.
02-416-C-29. Pg. 8. Caption: Kin Lalat, a quintet of exiled Guatamalen musicians, entertained a sympathetic audience Sunday at the Pemberton Legion. The group uses traditional instruments including marimbas, maracas, drums and guitar, and a gives a strong outside voice to freedom-fighting Guatamalens.
02-416-D-29. Pg. 10. Caption: About 45 modified competition cars gathered here again this year for the Burnaby/Coquitlam Motorsport Association hill climb and rally over the weekend. Entrants ranged from formula cars to souped-up Datsuns.
02-416-E-5. Pg. 11. Caption: Dave Schock, from Great West Distillers, talked about small wineries and distilleries competing in an international market with multinationals at the Chamber of Commerce meeting in the Crystal Lodge last Tuesday. As well, the chamber announced it is raising its membership fees this year. Individual fees rise from $35 to $50, and corporate fees from $100-$135. Corporations can also pay fees quarterly which would work out to $150.
02-416-A-9. Pg. 14. Caption: New Delta Mountain Inn general manager Glen Bogden (left) was welcomed to the business community at a small cocktail party last Wednesday. Sjaan DiLalla from Crystal Lodge is introduced by Delta sales manager Charles Ku. Bowden comes to the Delta chain from Edmonton.
02-416-A-16. Pg. 18. Caption: [left] Kay Beckon, Waitress Brio, Wendy Downes, Longhorn manager, Alta Vista.
02-416-A-13. Pg. 18. Caption: [right] Kevin Burton with son Chris, Bartender, Brio.
02-416-A-15. Pg. 18. Caption: [bottom] Mark Angus, Pascal Tiphine and Umberto Menghi were jointly asked Whistler's Answers this week. Although they all agreed that yes, we need more cultural events here, they disagreed on the type of house wine village restaurants should use.
02-416-C-11. Pg. 21. Caption: Bartending course student Sandy Vallender practices the fine art of making a layered liqueur drink. Ross Smith, instructor of the three week course offered through Capilano College, teaches the 12 students everything they need to know about tending a bar professionally -- including the recipe for a perfect Martini.
02-416-A-024. [Foreground from left to right: unknown and Cheryl Morningstar, background from left to right: Russ Shepherd and Lindsay Wilson]
02-416-A-025. [From left to right: unknown, Wayne [Dichicson?],Doug Walsh, and Kathy MacAlister]
02-416-A-026. [From left to right: Jan DeLilla, Lindsay Wilson, unknown, and unknown]
02-416-A-029. [From left to right: Lorne Borgal, unknown, unknown]
02-416-A-031. [Ken Newington]

Week of September 15, 1983
WQ-2-356 · File · September 15, 1983
Part of Whistler Question

Photographs including but not limited to portraits; trampolining in Whistler Village; Opening of Alpha Lake Park; Willie Whistler; inside a bar; town planning; scooter; Fall Festival; guitarist playing; setting up for outdoor concert; dancing; clowns; Gondola Village; construction; gambling; midway rides; Rotary Club; darts; traffic lights; art; sculptures; band playing in Whistler Village
Appears in September 22, 1983 issue:
02-356-41. Pg. 8. Caption: Ross Smith, manager of Stoney's Restaurant, does his Hamlet imitation while teaching would-be bartenders the finer points of slinging gin. The three-week course takes place in Mountain House Cabaret.
Appears in September 15, 1983 issue:
02-356-109. Pg. 1. Caption: The Rangerettes Baton Corps of North Vancouver goes through its clown routine at Sunday's Fall Festival. Other entertainers at the weekend event included folk and can-can dancers a la classical, and live music in Village Square. Despite the wet conditions about 1,500 people were attracted to the end-of-summer extravaganza.
02-356-144. Pg. 3. Caption: [top] Parks employee Ted Pryce-Jones completes the new suspension bridge on Callaghan River near the Cheakamus River junction. Parks Planner Tom Barratt says the $12,000 bridge should be ready to cross this week.
02-356-136. Pg. 3. Caption: [bottom] Workmen from B & O Blacktop put the finishing touches on the Valley Drive bridge that was washed out in 1981.
02-356-140. Pg. 5. Caption: The five-bedroom condominium pictured in the left-hand corner is one of the first new building starts in the Whistler area since 1982. Pete Arturo and four friends are building the Gondola Village condominium for weekend use and expects to move in by early December.
02-356-10. Pg. 6. Caption: [left] Josee Milord, Unemployed, Emerald Estates
02-356-13. Pg. 6. Caption: [middle] Gerald Kilby, B.C. Hydro Employee, North Vancouver.
02-356-24. Pg. 6. Caption: [right] Ron Douglas, Manager, Araxi's Restaurant, Alpine Meadows.
02-356-130. Pg. 7. Caption: Hugh Hancock joins Blackcomb Skiing Enterprises as Marketing Manager. His position includes marketing Fortress Mountain near Banff. Other internal changes in Fortress Mountain Resorts Ltd. see Bill Williams appointed as Fortress general manager. Hancock, 36, is a long-time skier who discovered Whistler in 1973. His experience includes positions as assistant advertising manager at Labatt's Breweries and director of marketing for the Vancouver Whitecaps.
02-356-200. Pg. 8. Caption: Instant curbs ooze out of Alpine Paving's machine along Mountain Lane by Delta Mountain Inn. Paving is expected to be finished next week.
02-356-89. Pg. 11. Caption: [top left] Visitors and participants braved the elements Saturday and Sunday to make the most of Whistler's adieu to summer. (Upper Left) Tim Cleave from the New Westminster-based Shasta Trampoline levitates over Whistler Mountain.
02-356-237. Pg. 11. Caption: [top right] Kids had their bit of fun riding the giant merry-go-round set up in the VIP parking lot.
02-356-93. Pg. 11. Caption: [middle] A Rangerette baton team member looks skyward during a spritely Polynesian dance routine.
02-356-103. Pg. 11. Caption: [bottom left] One little tyke doesn't quite know what to make of the entertainment in Village Square. A few moments later he too joined the dancers.
02-356-86. PG. 11. Caption: [bottom right] Whistler's new Arabesque tent protects dancers and drinkers from the rain.
02-356-022. [From left to right, Trevor Roote, Bill Barrett, Karen Barrett, and Tom Barrett]
02-356-152. [Greg Athans]

Week of October 25, 1982
WQ-2-296 · File · October 25, 1982
Part of Whistler Question

Photographs including but not limited to exposition; car accident; Sandy & Molly Boyd; Pat Carleton; Whistler Gondola; construction; film crew; dining; children's event; chef; council meeting; helicopter; mountain views; Whistler Parent Teacher Committee Bingo Nite; Whistler Industrial Park construction; Health Planning Society Board; Whistler Chamber of Commerce
Appears in October 28, 1982 issue:
02-296-66. Pg. 1. Caption: Puzzled? The Whistler Information sign and map took a tumble Friday, Oct. 22 during high winds, just missing the info centre. Foundation posts had apparently rotted.
02-296-77. Pg. 2. Caption: Hats of all kinds turn up these days at Myrtle Philip School. The fashion> Keeping away from lice.
02-296-46. Pg. 3. Caption: [top] On your marks; get set -- three candidates (Mark Angus, Sid Young and Ruth Lotzkar) enjoy a laugh after handing in nomination papers Oct. 25 for the Nov. 20 municipal election.
02-296-75. Pg. 3. Caption: Volunteers check children for head lice, which have reached epidemic numbers in Whistler.
02-296-41. Pg. 6. Caption: [middle] Art Den Duyf, Contractor of sorts, White Gold.
02-296-36. Pg. 6. Caption: [right] Rick Crofton, Contractor, Alpine Meadows.
02-296-56. Pg. 7. Caption: Recent heavy rains in the Whistler area have reminded drivers of the flood problems on Highway 99.
02-296-99. Pg. 9. Caption: [top left] sets off along the partially completed boardwalk on Rainbow Trail.
02-296-82. Pg. 9. Caption: [top right] At far right municipal crew installs stairway in Alpha Lake Park, which crews are trying to rough out before winter's onslaught.
02-296-101. Pg. 9. Caption: [bottom] Clockwise from bottom -- crew disembarks from helicopter
02-296-51. Pg. 11. Caption: Mayor Carleton got exposure to more than a brief interlude of sun Tuesday, Oct. 19 when CTV interviewer Cynthia Ott arrived in Whistler to ask some questions.
02-296-90. Pg. 12. Caption: Construction is forging ahead on the first building to be put up in Phase II in Whistler's Industrial Park. Sadler Bros. Builders are contractors on the project.
02-296-47. Pg. 13. Caption:This is vehicle in which deriver Daniel George Eveno of Mt. Currie was killed when the car failed to negotiate a curve by the Green River crossing north of Whistler on October 18. Injured in the accident were Gregory Jamieson of Mt. Currie and Cindy Downer of Squamish.
02-296-94. Pg. 16. Caption: New members of the Health Planning Society Board, from left Kathy Hicks (Treasurer), Tim Woods (Director), Rolley Horsey (Vice President), Craig MacKenzie (President) and Fred Barter (Director).
02-296-73. Pg. 18. Caption: The Candidates -- Whistler Chamber of Commerce President Jim Gruetzke introduces Sid Young (a mayorality candidate in the Nov. 20 election), Craig MacKenzie, Mark Sadler and David O'Keefe (aldermanic candidates) at an afternoon wine and cheese held Oct. 24 at Delta Mountain Inn.