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Jack Bright and Margaret Trudeau
WMSC-01-01-1989-0252 · Item · 1971
Parte de Whistler Mountain

Jack Bright and Margaret Trudeau are seen organizing their gear on a snowy day, while Margaret takes lessons on Whistler Mountain. This photograph was taken on Margaret's honeymoon with Pierre.

Pierre and Margaret Trudeau on Stairs
WMSC-01-01-1989-0273 · Item · 1971
Parte de Whistler Mountain

This photograph shows Margaret and Pierre Trudeau dressed in ski gear, descending a set of stairs. It is one of many showing the couple on their honeymoon in Whistler in 1971.

An annotation on the reverse reads, "Whistler News, pg. 3"

Margaret Trudeau Taking Ski Lessons
WMSC-01-01-1989-0345 · Item · 1971
Parte de Whistler Mountain

Margaret Trudeau is shown following Jack Bright down a ski run along with a group of other skiers. This photograph was taken on the Trudeau's honeymoon.

WMSC-01-01-1989-0348 · Item · 6 Mar. 1971
Parte de Whistler Mountain

Pierre and Margaret Trudeau are shown skiing on a snowy day with a large group.

Annotations on the reverse of the print read:
"Mar 6/1971
L to R foreground:
Mrs. Trudeau
Green Chair Run
Whistler Mt."

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